Statement of Info

RLUS is a non-profitmaking company limited by guarantee. Company No. 2867380 Registered Charity No. 1028482. Web site:

Statement of information

You can also download a printable .docx version of this statement of information. This statement was last updated 14th May 2024.

  1. RLUS is managed by an Executive Committee representing a wide range of British Slavists. The implementation of its policies is carried out by an Operations Consultant, supported by a Finance, Administration & Compliance Officer, and with the help of Merchant & Co. accountancy firm. RLUS liaises with British Universities through their Liaison Officers (the member of staff who deals with Year Abroad for students of Russian), most of whom are on the RLUS Executive Committee, and deals directly with its course providers in Estonia and Kazakhstan. It arranges pastoral care for all students and conducts regular pastoral visits to each centre.
  2. As early as possible in the academic year, RLUS sends to departmental Liaison Officers details of the courses which it will be offering in the following academic year. We ask Liaison Officers to pass these details on to the relevant student cohort(s). Students are asked to send their Booking Forms both to the RLUS Operations Consultant (Dr. Lynne Attwood: and their Liaison Officer. Liaison Officers are asked to make sure that the RLUS course a student has chosen is compatible with the requirements of their degree programme.
  3. Following payment of a non-refundable £50 deposit (deducted from the final invoice) and Administration Fee (£55.00, £70.00 or £140.00, depending on the length of course) which confirms registration for a course, RLUS arranges the course. It passes on to the relevant course organisers requests for Homestay accommodation. Students wishing to live in their own apartments will find these themselves, but the course providers will help if the student is having problems. Students arrange their own travel. Briefing information specific to each centre is provided, together with guidance on finance, health and other matters which is as up-to-date as reasonably possible.
  4. RLUS also:
    • a) Arranges and communicates a satisfactory academic programme by direct liaison with the centres in Estonia and Kazakhstan and with home universities as necessary;
    • b) Passes on information about travel and accommodation requirements.
    • c) Deals with students’ individual special case requirements to the best of its ability, responds to inquiries of parents/relatives in case of emergency and acts as communication channel in such instances.
  5. RLUS advises students to ensure before departure that they are fit to travel and live abroad through consultation with their general practitioner and by reference to current Foreign Office and medical travel advice. This is particularly important in the case of pre-existing medical conditions. RLUS reserves the right to deny a place to any student who, in RLUS’s absolute opinion, is not fit to undertake the placement. All students MUST take out travel insurance. Some universities provide this; others require students to arrange their own insurance.
  6. RLUS requires students to read the terms and conditions document prior to departure. This enables RLUS to take immediate measures in an emergency of an individual or general nature to move, regroup or withdraw students as necessary. In doing so, RLUS is guided by its judgement of the well-being of the students involved, based on its long experience.
  7. While abroad, students are allowed a very wide degree of freedom in their personal conduct and travel. At the same time, behaviour which, in the absolute judgement of RLUS and the course providers, is likely to prejudice the well-being of individuals or groups, will be subject to verbal or written warnings as required and may result in withdrawal from the course and repatriation at the expense of the individuals concerned.
  8. RLUS is assured that all teaching and Homestay accommodation arranged by the course organisers complies with local fire and safety laws. Many countries are not as stringent as the UK in setting general standards for safety, hygiene and fire precautions and local authorities may not have adequate resources to monitor and enforce standards. We suggest that you familiarise yourself with the lay-out of teaching buildings and means of escape in the event of an emergency. In Homestay accommodation, please obey any safety instructions given to you by your hosts.
  9. Students are required to attend classes regularly, unless absent for good reason. If their attendance in a particular class falls below 70% they will not be given a mark for that class. By arrangement with the teaching centres and with the UK University departments, a formal record of every student’s attendance is sent to RLUS at the end of each course. RLUS forwards this record to the student’s department in the UK, where it may be taken into account in assessment of the student’s fulfilment of requirements.
  10. To facilitate cultural familiarisation and provide time for private study while abroad, RLUS has instituted a number of “reading weeks” within each course, when classes are suspended. Travelling involving absence from classes outside of these agreed periods is regarded as unjustifiable absence and recorded as such.
  11. RLUS operates the following refund policy:
    • A student who withdraws either before or after departure because of serious illness shall not, unless the conditions set out below are met, be entitled to any refund. The student should, however, be able to make an insurance claim.
    • A student who withdraws voluntarily will, only if prior written notice of withdrawal is given personally by the student to RLUS, receive the following refund of fees already paid:
      • More than 2 months prior to departure: the student is entitled to a refund of any fees paid, less £50 deposit and the Admin Fee. Students will also be liable for any charges passed on to RLUS Ltd by the Estonian or Kazakh course providers.
      • Less than 2 months prior to departure: No refund.
    • There is no refund if a student decides to leave the course early or fails to attend all of the classes provided.
  12. Invoices are rendered normally to the Liaison Officers, unless RLUS has been instructed to bill students directly. RLUS reserves the right to withdraw a student from the course if payment has not been received before departure.
  13. Before departure students should normally liaise with RLUS through their departmental Liaison Officer. When direct contact between a student and RLUS is necessary, this should be with the Operations Consultant of RLUS, Dr Lynne Attwood. Email:

Terms and conditions relating to RLUS student placement scheme

You can also download a printable .docx version of these terms and conditions.

  1. Payment
    This course is arranged by RLUS as agent for the University named on the booking form (“the University”) and the University must ensure that all payments are made promptly in respect of their students’ participation in RLUS courses. RLUS will send invoices for payment either to the University or the student, depending on the University’s payment policy. Students will not be allowed to participate in a RLUS course if payments to RLUS are outstanding. RLUS accepts and makes payments as agent for the University named on the Booking Form.
  2. Refunds
    Students who withdraw from their chosen course will only receive a refund if the following conditions are met. If they are not, students may be able to claim on their insurance.
    • 2.1 If students withdraw from their chosen courses for any reason (including examination failure), they will only receive the refund of fees already paid if prior written notice of withdrawal is given by the student or the University at least 2 months before departure.
    • 2.2 In the event of a course being withdrawn by RLUS under paragraph 7.2 below, RLUS will refund such fee as shall have been paid by the student or the University.
  3. Communications
    Before departure, students should normally liaise with RLUS through their University Liaison Officer. When direct contact between a student and RLUS is necessary, this should be with the Operations Consultant of RLUS, Dr Lynne Attwood, and by email,
  4. Students’ Obligations.
    Students must understand and accept that the following are their obligations and duties and they must agree to fulfil these:
    • 4.1 To attend all classes, unless they are unable to do so for good cause, in which case they will notify the course provider and RLUS at the earliest opportunity.
    • 4.2 To comply with all local laws and all reasonable instructions given by or on behalf of RLUS, whether given orally or in writing. Students must acknowledge that they may be required to return to the UK if they do not comply with such laws or instructions, in which case they will not be entitled to any refund and will become further liable for the costs associated with their return.
    • 4.3 To provide accurate information to RLUS on their booking forms, and to update the information if their circumstances change.
    • 4.4 To ensure they are medically fit to travel and participate in their chosen RLUS course(s).
    • 4.5 To take all reasonable care of the property at their accommodation in Estonia or Kazakhstan and that of their course provider and to make good any loss or damage caused by them.
    • 4.6 To ensure their passport is valid for at least 6 months beyond the date on which they are due to return to the UK and to obtain the necessary visas.
    • 4.7 To make adequate provision for their own expenses outside those matters organised by RLUS.
    • 4.8 To take out their own insurance if this is not arranged by their University. This is a condition of attending a RLUS course.
    • 4.9 To keep within the luggage allowance specified on their air ticket or to meet any charges levied by carriers for exceeding this allowance.
    • 4.10 To exercise all due caution and common sense at all times and to use all reasonable endeavours to avoid injury to themselves or others.
    • 4.11 In the event of any national, international, political or civil unrest, emergency personal illness or incapacitation, or other event which RLUS in its absolute discretion deems likely to endanger students’ well-being, to authorise RLUS and its agents to take such action as in its absolute discretion it deems necessary to ensure students’ well-being, including at their own expense arranging medical treatment and/or transportation to Great Britain.
    • 4.12 To undertake to remain under the supervision of RLUS throughout the duration of the Course and to observe and abide by all rules and instructions contained in the briefing documents or at any time notified to the student by RLUS or its representatives. Students must understand that if they are in breach of such rules and instructions, RLUS may forthwith terminate the Course and transport the student to Great Britain at their own expense and retain any fees paid.
  5. The University’s Obligations:
    Students must understand and accept that the University’s obligations to them (through RLUS as the University’s agent) are limited to the following:
    • 5.1 Using their reasonable endeavours to organise the tuition they have chosen.
    • 5.2 Giving clear instructions to the course and accommodation providers as to what is required of them but without incurring any liability in the event that the providers fail to do so; and obtaining confirmation from the providers that all reasonable efforts will be made to fulfil these requirements. RLUS will use reasonable endeavours, in the event of the withdrawal of a course by the provider, to procure an alternative course by the provider, but always subject to RLUS’ right under clause 7.2.
    • 5.3 Disseminating relevant advice and information by way of documentation and briefing meetings.
    • 5.4 Taking reasonable steps to monitor the academic standards of the courses offered on the RLUS programmes.
  6. RLUS’ Obligations
    RLUS is a non-profit making educational charity which arranges year-abroad language courses for students at UK universities who are studying the Russian language.
    At present these courses take place in Tallinn and Astana, and are arranged with Language Link, a very long-standing partner which organised RLUS courses in Moscow from 2005 until the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
    • 6.2 RLUS is extremely concerned about student safety and well-being, and its obligations include carrying out regular pastoral visits. Both centres are visited at least once a year by a member of the RLUS Executive Committee.
    • 6.3 RLUS keeps up to date with Foreign Office advice on the security of students, and is ready to get students out of possible danger by whatever means available. After the invasion of Ukraine, with the help of our Russian course providers, students were brought back from Russia within three days of the invasion, by a variety of routes: by bus from Russia to Helsinki or Tallinn, and then on to the UK by plane; by plane to the UK via Dubai or Istanbul. RLUS had intended to charter busses to get the students out of Russia had this proved necessary.
    • 6.4 RLUS liaises with British Universities through their Liaison Officers (the member of staff who deals with Year Abroad for students of Russian), most of whom are on the RLUS Executive Committee, and deals directly with its course providers in Estonia and Kazakhstan.
    • 6.5 As early as possible in the academic year, RLUS sends departmental Liaison Officers details of the courses which it will be offering in the following academic year, which the Liaison Officers are asked to pass on to the relevant student cohort(s).
    • 6.6 RLUS places all relevant documents on its website, as well as sending copies to the Liaison Officers.
    • 6.7 RLUS provides (on its website, and to Liaison Officers) information specific to both centres, together with guidance on finance, health and other matters.
    • 6.8 RLUS sets deadlines for the receipt of Booking Forms, which students are asked to send to the RLUS Operations Consultant (Dr. Lynne Attwood) and to their Liaison Officer. The booking forms are sent on to the head of Language Link, Rob Jensky.
    • 6.9 In accordance with the requirements of the Universities, RLUS takes payment of a £50 deposit (deducted from the final invoice) and an Administration Fee (£55.00, £70.00 or £140.00, depending on the length of the course). (Some Universities require students to pay one or both of these; other Universities pay these sums themselves.). RLUS goes through the bank account details and confirms to students receipt of these sums.
    • 6.10 RLUS sends invoices to the various universities, in the formats which they require, for the sums they pay themselves (usually the course fee, and in some cases the deposit and/or the Admin Fee), within a month of receiving the booking forms. 
    • 6.11 RLUS passes on to Language Link requests for Homestay accommodation.
    • 6.12 RLUS arranges a satisfactory academic programme by means of direct liaison with the centres in Estonia and Kazakhstan and with home universities as necessary.
    • 6.13 RLUS deals with students’ individual special case requirements to the best of its ability, responds to inquiries of parents/relatives in case of emergency and acts as communication channel in such instances. 
    • 6.14 RLUS advises students to ensure before departure that they are fit to travel and live abroad.
    • 6.15 RLUS requires students to sign the Booking Form to confirm that they have read the Terms and Conditions document before departure. This enables RLUS to take immediate measures in an emergency of an individual or general nature to move, regroup or withdraw students as necessary. In doing so, RLUS is guided by its judgement of the well-being of the students involved, based on its long experience.
    • 6.16 While students are allowed a wide degree of freedom in their personal conduct and travel, RLUS ensures that student behaviour will not prejudice the well-being of individuals or groups. If it feels that the behaviour of a student is of concern, it will apply verbal or written warnings and may be forced to withdraw a student from the course.
    • 6.17 RLUS ensures that it is made aware by the course organisers that students attend classes regularly, unless absent for good reason. A formal record of student attendance and progress is sent to RLUS at the end of each course. RLUS forwards this record to the student’s department in the UK, where it may be taken into account in assessment of the student’s fulfilment of requirements.
  7. Limitations
    Students must understand and agree that:
    • 7.1 RLUS as the University’s agent shall be free to accept or decline an application and there shall be no binding agreement between the University and the student unless and until the student receives confirmation from RLUS of their registration on a RLUS course.
    • 7.2 RLUS as the University’s agent will use its best endeavours to provide courses. However, if, due to lack of support, it is not, in the reasonable opinion of RLUS, economical to provide a course, it may be withdrawn. If the student has been confirmed as registered on a withdrawn course, RLUS may, with the student’s agreement, transfer their registration to a suitable alternative course.
    • 7.3 The University through RLUS shall use its reasonable endeavours to provide accurate information but shall not be liable for any errors or omissions in any information it provides which has not been compiled by RLUS.
    • 7.4 The University through RLUS shall not be liable for the health or safety of students participating in any RLUS course other than for death or personal injury arising out of the negligence of the University.
    • 7.5 RLUS shall not be liable for any loss or damage, expenses or costs incurred by the student or for their death or personal injury, howsoever caused, arising directly or indirectly from their placement by RLUS on a course of study, with the exception of the death or any personal injury caused by the negligence of RLUS, its agents or employees.
  8. Complaints Procedure
    • 8.1 The University through RLUS will take all reasonable steps to investigate genuine complaints of participating students.
    • 8.2 Students must agree to raise any complaint as soon as reasonably practicable and always (other than in exceptional circumstances) before they return to the UK.
    • 8.3 Students must acknowledge that complaints should be initially addressed to the local staff member dealing with student welfare at the school where they are studying.
    • 8.4 Students must understand that if they wish to pursue a complaint upon their return to the UK, or if exceptional circumstances prevent them from raising a complaint before returning to the UK and they then wish to raise a complaint, this should be addressed to Dr Lynne Attwood at RLUS or such other person of whom RLUS may notify them.
  9. Proper Law
    These standing regulations shall be governed by English Law and the parties accept the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.
  10. Indemnity
    The students must agree to indemnify the University for any loss or expense caused by their failure to provide accurate information to RLUS or by any breach of this Agreement by the student.

Please retain this document for reference (you can download it here), but make sure that you have signed the booking form, stating that you have read and accepted the information in this document.